Seismic Retrofit : Caltrans Headquarters - District 4 Seismic Retrofit
Caltrans together with the State of California DGS commissioned a co-prime team including Crosby Group and Degenkolb to validate a previous seismic assessment study and develop viable alternatives to the proposed retrofit design. This task was challenging due to the exceptionally short two-month schedule, which had to be met to obtain State funding. With Crosby Group’s strong working knowledge of current FEMA guidelines and the latest retrofit technologies, four unique strengthening alternatives were developed for this fully occupied, 15-story building.
Crosby Group completed a very thorough design and budget report. This report enabled the client to select the most appropriate retrofit scheme considering many factors such as costs, construction duration, impact to people and utilities, downtime for occupants, impacts to parking, performance of non-structural components, and aesthetics. Ultimately the retrofit option developed by Crosby Group, including the addition of viscous dampers and moment connection strengthening, was chosen as it provided the most comprehensive solution to the client’s needs. Our analysis was supplemented by full-scale testing of the existing and retrofitted moment connections at UC San Diego which allowed for the selection of the optimal connection strengthening for this structure.
OWNER: State of California, DGS
Co-Prime Professional
Essential Facility
Occupied Facility
Phased Construction
- 2011 SEAONC Excellence in Engineering Award of Merit - Retrofit/Alteration
- 2011 ACEC Engineering Excellence Award
- 2009 Top Seismic Strengthening Project Award, ATC/SEI
- 2011 Outstanding Journal Paper - LA Tall Buildings Structural Design Council
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